Friday, May 15, 2009

Delayed Event Post

MY -2- Events!

I attended many events this semester, including the Kirkland twice, the psychedelic
poster show, and of course the awesome paper fashion show in which I was

The psychedelic show was amazing. I loved every minute of it especially the
tour and information I learned about the posters. I didn’t even like the posters all that much
except for the fact it was inspired by art nouveau and lithographs, but really
I had a hard time really appreciating the work and design that went into them
until I saw them up close and personal. Sure I was able to see the designs in my Uncles house because he had
some of the posters framed, but I really didn’t get a sense for them until I
was able to look at many of them and see them up close with the personal
information about the people behind the rock poster.

I really felt this time period (the 60’s and 70’s) really
opened up doors for design and aesthetic. It was an experimental time and it really elaborated a keen interest in
wanting to really be expressive, but communicative at the same time. My favorite posters in the show were the ones
that used the different colors and lights to bring out the designs as if they
were moving pictures. It was heavily
inspiring that I want to make some myself. I love when art incorporates movement and incorporates technology
despite it being two dimensional in a sense.

I think despite the large quantity of posters the real treat
was getting to see into the culture of the artist and what they did to make
their work during the time. Seeing the
culture they lived in, making a poster for your self, drawing and doodling,
playing around with the water and oils, seeing the documentary, and other
paraphernalia of the era were so enlightening. I think this era was a pivotal and one of the most interesting eras of
communication design.

I think without the tour I wouldn’t be able to get an idea and
an appreciation for the show itself either. I learned a lot about the transition of the posters as well as some of
the artists that were formally trained. You can look at a poster and definitely get a look for the differences
of the styles and the transition it made through the years in style

As for the second event, I decide to talk about the Kirkland as the paper
fashion show was talked about in my History of Communication Design class. The Kirkland was an exploration and double tour of the design and art nouveau that it has to
offer. Granted a lot of the stuff there
is pottery and industrial design, but they all have that aesthetic and
reflection of design.

Art nouveau is a pivotal era of design, whether anyone likes
to think so or not. I like to think of
it as the point in which people experimented with design and really thought
about function and the intricacies. I
also like the idea that they were heavily focused in the communication and the ideas
of making things continuously move.

This semester has been the first time I have seen the Kirkland ever, and I
managed to see it twice. I was really
inspired by the work and everything inside the museum. I even saw the building itself as an
inspiration especially with the history it had.

I also took pictures there at the kirkland:

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Stress

I know this isn't the place to really reiterate much personal things, but it applies to the class. There is soooo much BLOODY WORK! D: I am so stressed out my head is fucking going to explode. -_- I think there are just too many sites and things going around interactivity wise I can't pin point anything to focus on. I can multitask, but there is only so much my brain can handle. Obviously I haven't slept yet. I don't sleep anymore when it comes to this class.


Here is a influential link to my next project. The design and overall look of it is just absolutely gorgeous.

Since my focus is on Secondlife... and who would have guessed... Fashion... I figure it would be cool to make a Secondlife Portfolio of Jalapeno Sweets for designs for Avatars. I know. I am lame.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


In response to the article:

I am one of those designers that don’t like the whole mentality of SWISS design and how we are still stuck in the rut that we have to conform to those ideals. My opinion on design is that we can take that extra step to break the rules and define what design is now, but still hold true to the basics of design and typographic knowledge.

1. Avoid Fancy Type. (DECORATIVE)

I actually bed to differ on that. I’ve been an avid web user since AOL 3.0 and I find that those who use the same damn boring typefaces make things really unbearable and uninviting. Its like the same damn shit all the time.

I rather say Decorative type is okay for links, like navigation, or headers. Décor type SHOULD NEVER be used for blocks of text and that’s a rule that any designer should know period. Even the infamous Garamond for the interwebz is really hard to see especially when in 8pt size. Its not a good size at all. In order for it to be legible so that there is no straining, it should be at least 12. That is the perfect size for the screens on the internet and it is easy to design around it.

Since the article was posted in 2005, I have to say design and the development of the internet has become much better since the time I have used it as well as what it has become now. No matter what you do it is changing and probably will continue to change. I think people who are ballsy, like myself, can help bring some of the typographic faux pas into light as long as they can do it correctly. Then again the typefaces that render as vector text and selectable text for the internet are the main type faces itself. Most designers won’t go that route anymore, using custom typefaces that they make, find, or buy for their designs. The normal populace uses the typefaces available.

2. Do not use too many fonts (Are you referring to size or typeface mister…know your damn terminology will ya?).

Well no shit Sherlock. >:/ In my opinion it includes the specific typefaces and not just fonts in regards to the point sizes. Anymore than that it will break consistency and make the site weak. Its called having a SYSTEM in which you design. *rolls eyes* I swear some designers…

3. Set type big.

Well no shit again. Even though the resolution is changing for most monitors I find small dainty sites still in favor, 800 X 600. What can I say? I like it when they look like that. Perhaps maybe something longer and 1000 px wide would suffice anymore, but not too long. I always found scrolling down a page to be annoying in a sense. I do have to add though now, not many designers will use the straight up vector side of the graphics on a webpage anymore, unless its blocks of text. And with the added invention of CSS and programs the possibilities keep becoming more and more available to expand web design.

4. Lose the decoration.

Says who and your army of Nazi designers? Really… I am finding myself really snide on this particular use of rules. If you can do it right with décor, you can do anything. It depends on your aesthetic and the way you maneuver around things. So Grah on you.

5. Use HTML copy.

Something I agree with. Didn’t I mention that above? Why, I most certainly did! XD Most people, like myself, like to copy and paste body copy I find. If they can’t select the text it sucks! Not to mention not searchable, which I agree on.

6. Don’t rely too much on Color.

Hmmm… Not sure I agree here either. 3 Max colors of course, but really… without color the design becomes boring bland and just another one of those damn stupid websites. You don’t want your stuff to look like that. Really you don’t. Print color is important yes, but thinking its not important on the web is fucking lame. Color is important anywhere.

My aesthetic thrives off having such nice white space, and a huge fucking splash of color where it is concerned. The eyes are attracted to color and on a bright menacing monitor, it is sure to stick with the viewer. NO NO NO. COLOR IS GOD SAVE. Again I mention the same damn thing I have been before. It depends on HOW you use the COLOR in a SITE that makes it GOOD or NOT. D<

There is a reason why we have Hex colors for the interweb enjoying experiences. They are so EVERY monitor sees the colors. Really now… Now those colors off the rgb spectrum will make it hard to have the same experience for each user. You just gotta accept that no one is gonna have the same colors even if its calibrated the right way. Am I getting the impression that who ever made these WEB rules is Typographic in nature mostly? I think so. :/

7. Design for scanning (online readers don’t read).

Oh how you FAIL. You’re stupid. I read every little damn detail possible that I see on the internet if it peaks my interest. Its like a fucking book you dolt. I write often for a novel on a forum with three other friends and we read all of what we see. For fuck sake I read it on my phone too. Fuck My mom refuses to read really anything on the internet, or even peruse the internet much. And she’s like only 39! I am getting the impression also now… that this guy doesn’t like blogging. When you blog… you read and write, and COMMENT. Which means you should fucking read what you see, not skim, in order to respond. At least McSweeneys site is designed well. Fuck it uses times new roman for the classical advent of allowing people to read through the text and to go with the style of writing as well as the design of the site.

8. Make text bite size.

Duh. I hate when there are no paragraph breaks. Infact even having indents makes me cringe. I can’t stand them they are hideous. Break the fucking text. Links for webpages are nasty fucks. They clutter an area and make navigation a fucking pain in the ass. Most people know the ctrl + f for most browsers to type in a word to search for and skim the page easily now. No links to text on the same page. Its ugly. Pure raw ugly.

9. Keep Line Lengths Short.

Well… DUH. @_@ Who are you teaching to, design to noobs? DX No matter what the medium, web, or print, or whatever… long lines of text is daunting and horrible difficult to read and keep a nice flow and rhythm to a piece.

Wow this article… was special. O_o -_- Im sorry I don’t agree with everything. I just consider myself an internet expert at navigating and finding things so when I see people still I the backwater that hasn’t seen much of the WWW I am like… You can’t say that until you have the proof to back up your gobbley gook. At least I was able to vent some! 8D Its always fun to do that.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some CSS Links

I am pretty familiar with CSS and other HTML help sites and I thought these would be a good first post for the Concepts in Motion class collection. I also have a lot of other helpful links :3 So Here we go!


Color Codes for HTML and HEX
Practice Css with DeviantArt Journals
CSS for Beginners


Haute Doll Magazine
Animator Vs. The Animation
Disco Ball Illustrator Tutorial
Fantasy Names
Love My Flash

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Homework Reading Responses

The Artist of the Future Is a Technologist

First of all...It urks me to know that there are people out there that think that computers cannot be used for art. The snooty people of the populace who look at the amateurs that create awesome and creative pieces are judging the populace according to their standards of what art is and what art isn't. I don't know why, but these people are the types of people that piss me off extensively and really don't know what art is. The close minded reaction to changes in technology and the growing advances of them have given our world a new way to look at art and how things work.

Skeptics will say that digital artists don't have the same aesthetic vigorousness as the traditional great masters.

Bullshit. They have the same damn motivation as any other artist out there, they just have a different medium in which they can do it.

Will we have fewer deep thinkers in the future because people no longer have the attention span to read someone like Henry James?
Kids who grow up in information spaces using nonlinear tools like Perspecta, and those brought up on MTV's subsecond splices, perhaps won't know how to use a pen to write a story from A to B. But they will have the skills to do 10 things at once and create something where people will say, "Holy shit, that's amazing!"

Hmmm. I could say that is true, but really I can't. Its like only judging someone with black hair and blond hair. I really think it all depends on how someone grows up, how they learn and adapt to the world around them that effects their way of creative exploration especially in regards to the computer and new technology. MTV was the beginning age of computers, and most of the people since then who have gotten a computer, have adapted far better to the technology then those who didn't have them before. The newer generations are popping out knowing the knowledge there is to adapt easily with the technology.

Technology: Beast Burden, or Blessing?

The world out there for an artist or a student trying to learn the software available to them, to me, is dog eat dog world. In other words, I am being snarky and saying too bad sucks for you. I can get the basics, but from an early age I have always been trying to learn a program from scratch. Here and there I have a hard time that I need a teacher to help give out the basics, but once she explains them all, I am able to explore and go off to my own devices. Illustrator and now Flash are those types of programs. I now feel like I am an advanced user of Illustrator, while still in beginner mode of Flash. The knowledge is coming to me easily... but I feel like I can definitely get by now with a better explanation and understanding of the program. Other than that I definitely feel the 'i need help' all the time student brings down the class and the lectures that are presented to the students. In my opinion I think its adequate to say that its possible to get by on the basics and adapt to the technology and programs. For example... over the years man has had to adapt to technology and has done so adequately. This is the same concept now. People are just having a hard time doing it now because they are so used to their lives and happy enclosed bubbles that when they pop and enter a new environment, they have NO IDEA what to do or how to adapt.

I could rant more on these two subjects, but maybe for a later time.

Friday, January 23, 2009


HA. Okay so I was like definitely delayed/lazy in updating this thing. I will be updating more though since I have a class that wants blogging. :3 I will have more illustration, video and film, and design work posted to this thing eventually. I am also going to probably post process or something on separate blog. We will see... So stay tuned! :3

Sama AKA Jamiesama

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Made a fashion design.

Project runway owns meeeeeeeeee So I made a cheesy design Lol .